Today I'm going to talk about sniffing which a method hackers use to hack
your computer and steel your private data, and how to protect your self from
this kind of attack so read carefully.
What is Sniffing?
Sniffing is a data interception technology,or in detail it's a computer network
hacker term. On Ethernet networks data is sent in data packets. The packet
includes the sending address, the data being sent, and the address it came
from. Hackers are able to use a "sniffing" program to intercept those packets
of data and read them.
What is a Sniffer?
A sniffer is a piece of software that grabs all of the traffic flowing into and
out of a computer attached to a network. They are available for several
platforms in both commercial and open-source variations. Some of simplest
packages are actually quite easy to implement in C or Perl, use a command
line interface and dump captured data to the screen. More complex projects
use a GUI, graph traffic statistics, track multiple sessions and offer several
configuration options. Sniffers are also the engines for other programs.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) use sniffers to match packets against a
rule-set designed to flag anything malicious or strange.
Network utilization and monitoring programs often use sniffers to gather data
necessary for metrics and analysis. Law enforcement agencies that need to
monitor email during investigations, likely employ a sniffer designed to
capture very specific traffic. Knowing that sniffers simply grab network data,
let’s see how they work.
How does the Sniffer work?
Before we can explore how a sniffer operates, it may be helpful to examine
what enables the tool to work. During normal tasks such as Web surfing and
messaging, computers are constantly communicating with other
machines. Obviously, a user should be able to see all the traffic traveling to
or from their machine. Most PCs, however, are on a Local Area Network (LAN),
meaning they share a connection with several other computers. If the
network is not switched (a switch is a device that filters and forwards packets
between segments of the LAN), the traffic destined for any machine on a
segment is broadcast to every machine on that segment. This means that a
computer actually sees the data traveling to and from each of its neighbors,
but ignores it, unless otherwise instructed.
How to protect your self from sniffing?
If your a network technician or administrator and you want to see if anyone
on your network is using a sniffer tool, check out a tool called Antisniff.
Antisniff can detect if a network interface on your network has been put into
'promiscuous mode' (don't laugh that's the actual name for it), which is the
required mode for packet capture tasks.
Another way to protect your network traffic from being sniffed is to
use encryption such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security
(TLS). Encryption doesn't prevent packet sniffers from seeing source and
destination information, but it does encrypt the data packet's payload so that
all the sniffer sees is encrypted gibberish. Any attempt to modify or inject
data into the packets would likely fail since messing with the encrypted data
would cause errors that would be evident when the encrypted information was
decrypted at the other end.
Sniffers are great tools for diagnosing down-in-the-weeds network problems.
Unfortunately, they are also useful for hacking purposes as well. It's
important for security professionals to familiarize themselves with these
tools so they can see how a hacker might use them against their network.
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