In Article I'm going to explain to Block Malicious or Porn Websites using
DNS, Most of parents want to block porn websites on their system to keep
their children away from them, So that most of them have to buy some some
blocking softwares which cost too much,so I will explain how to block these
porn sites using DNS.
DNS is a Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the industry-standard suite of
protocols that comprise TCP/IP. Microsoft Windows Server 2003. DNS is
implemented using two software components: the DNS server and the DNS
client (or resolver). Both components are run as background service
1-Norton DNS for Home
Norton offers 3 kinds of protection.But for computer, Norton DNS for home is
the best as it blocks phishing site, malware spreading sites and porn sites.
So use these DNS to activate this
Security and Pornography settings Norton DNS
1-Preferred DNS Server:
2-Alternate DNS Server:
2-Open DNS
Open DNS is another popular DNS server that provides good level of security
from various online threats and porn sites and you can use these settings
1-Preferred DNS Server:
2-Alternate DNS Server:
3-Preferred DNS Server:
4-Alternate DNS Server:
3-Safe DNS
Safe DNA is also good DNS service blocks porn, malware and phishing sites.
you can use these settings
1-Preferred DNS Server:
2-Alternate DNS Server:
How To add These DNS
Open your local network status from control panel>>Network and sharing
center and click Properties.
Then choose "Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPV4)" and click properties.
Now check "Use The Following DNS Server address:" and add any of the above
After that click OK and save settings, and don't worry about your children
protection or malicious sites.
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